26.01.2022 12:59

TOP 6 films for Valentine's Day

TOP 6 films for Valentine's Day

The celebration of Valentine's Day, originating from Anglo-Saxon countries, is approaching.

Many celebrate it, many are unwilling to acknowledge it, but it's undeniable that Hollywood has been greatly inspired by this holiday, as well as love in general, and we owe many funny, touching, or even funny movies to it. We have now gathered the TOP 6 (in our opinion) among them, which can be a great program to watch on Valentine's Day, whether together or alone.

Don't forget to put on your computer glasses beforehand, so even if you can't protect your heart from overflowing emotions, at least you'll protect your eyes from the harmful blue light coming from the TV (as well)!

We wish you a good time!

1. Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

This film is a real star parade, worth watching just for the actors and actresses playing the main characters. Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Alba, are just a few of the big names who all fall into the trap of love in the movie and have no idea how to get out of it...

2. Love Actually

Love Actually

If you ask anyone in the world what their favorite romantic movie is, Love Actually is likely to be in the top two answers. Not without reason, as numerous twists make this movie memorable and lovable. One thing is for sure, once you've seen it, you'll bring it out every year, probably on Valentine's Day!

3. The Notebook

We couldn't leave out the favorite of millions, The Notebook. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling's names are forever associated with this touching film, but they probably don't mind. In The Notebook, the love of the protagonists is like life itself: it makes you laugh, cry, despair, sadden, and most importantly: it lasts until the end!

4. 50 First Dates

If you want to laugh more than cry, choose 50 First Dates for a Valentine's Day movie. Adam Sandler's name is a guarantee for easily digestible jokes and easy entertainment. The character he plays, Henry, meets his dream woman, but the next day he realizes that it's not going to be that simple... But a man, when in love, is capable of anything, and he proves it!

5. La La Land

Are musical movies your favorite? No problem, just start La La Land, which has won numerous awards, and sing and dance your way through the evening! In the film, two young people chase their dreams in the City of Angels, while stumbling into each other, realizing that everything is easier - and harder at the same time - together. La La Land makes you think, inspires, and cheers you up, a perfect choice if you want carefree relaxation.

6. The Vow

A young couple, who love each other and are experiencing the most beautiful period of their lives, unexpectedly find themselves in a situation for which they cannot prepare. The young wife loses her memory of her previous life, including her husband, who has to make her fall in love with him again. Tears are guaranteed!