27.12.2021 12:54

Saline solutions - how to use them with contact lenses

Saline solutions - how to use them with contact lenses

In our store you can currently find the following types of solutions:

  • Multipurpose solutions for soft lenses
  • Hydrogen peroxide solutions
  • Solutions and protein removers for hard lenses
  • Saline solutions.

Below, you will find out more about what are the Saline solutions and how you can use them. Please be aware that the saline solutions do not replace the cleaning solution either multipurpose or hydrogen peroxide.

A saline solution is a sterile saltwater solution that can be used to rinse off contact lenses before inserting them into your eyes. It does not contain any cleaning agent and it shouldn't be used to clean or store contact lenses for an extended period.

It is recommended to use store-bought saline solution and never attempt to do a DIY solution at home, as this can end up with corneal infections.

How to know if you should use a saline solution

  • 1. You use a hydrogen peroxide solution to clean your contact lenses.

    After the lenses are cleaned in a hydrogen peroxide solution, it is mandatory to rinse them off with a saline solution, to remove any peroxide solution that can irritate your eyes.

    2. You wear hard lenses

    After you do the weekly cleaning of hard lenses with a protein remover solution, it is mandatory to rinse them off with a multipurpose solution for hard lenses or with a saline solution.

    Main differences between a multipurpose solution and a saline solution

    Saline solutionMultipurpose solution
    Main ingredients are salt and ware It contains various ingredients including cleaning agents, preservatives, binding agents and wetting agents
    Its purpose is to rinse contact lenses before insertion Its purpose is to clean and disinfect contact lenses
    Can't be used for storing contact lenses Is suitable for contact lens storage

    How to use a saline solution

    1. Wash your hands and dry them
    2. Remove the contact lenses from the cleaning solution and rinse them off with saline solution
    3. Insert lenses into your eyes.
    4. Make sure you throw the solution from the container and you let it air dry and close the cap of the saline solution.