25.02.2022 13:05

5+1 misconceptions about contact lens use

5+1 misconceptions about contact lens use

Good to know which rumors you shouldn't fall for.

Are you an experienced contact lens wearer? Great! Then you'll probably smile at the following myths, but it's possible we can still tell you something new! However, if you're just getting acquainted with wearing contact lenses, or considering going for an suitability examination, then it's good to know which rumors circulate either on the internet or by word of mouth, which you shouldn't fall for.

Contact Lens

Contact lenses are very effective little devices that help many people see sharply in their everyday lives. Whether you wear them daily or only on certain occasions, they contribute a lot to comfort. Unlike glasses, they don't fog up, you don't constantly have to search for them, and they don't hinder your peripheral vision, which is important, for example, when driving.

Today's lenses are made from modern materials, using advanced techniques, their wearability cannot even be compared to their predecessors. Yet there are many misconceptions circulating about wearing them that are worth clarifying. Let's see the most common ones!

1. You can't put them in your eyes

Inserting Contact Lens

One of the most basic fears of those who haven't worn contact lenses is that they won't be able to insert them because they can't touch their own eyes. Well, actually, this is a natural concern because touching your own eyeball is outside the comfort zone for most people. The good news, however, is that

  • firstly, the specialist teaches you how to safely insert and remove the lenses
  • secondly, it can be quickly learned, so it soon stops being a daunting task!

2. The contact lens falls out of the eye

The contact lens does NOT fall out of the eye, provided that:

  • an optometrist or ophthalmologist has determined which contact lens is the ideal choice for you
  • you always purchase the type prescribed, with the appropriate curvature values
  • So the lens will fit perfectly on the eyeball and won't just fall out!

3. Causes inflammation

Contact Lens Solution

Let's talk a bit about the proper hygienic conditions for using contact lenses, so you can see which rules must be strictly followed:

  • Always wash your hands before inserting or removing the lens!
  • After washing your hands, preferably use a lint-free towel or paper towel for drying!
  • Always use high-quality contact lens solution!
  • Always have the storage case on hand!
  • Disinfect the case with hot water at least once a week!
  • Don't exceed the recommended wearing time!
  • Do not clean the lenses with water or saliva!
  • If you're going to a place where you know there won't be proper hygiene conditions (e.g., during festivals), switch to daily disposable contact lens use for that time!
  • Believe me, these are all self-explanatory things, they don't require any special attention to follow, but if you don't forget them, you've done a lot to avoid unpleasant eye inflammations!

4. Contact lenses are uncomfortable

Contact Lens Comfort

Let's refer back to point two with this misconception: if you wear contact lenses prescribed for you by a professional after a thorough examination, then the contact lens is not only not uncomfortable, you don't even feel them on your eyes! Moreover, today's lenses are made with such modern techniques, from such high-quality materials, that wearing them has never been more comfortable!

5. The lens can "disappear" in the eyes

It can't: the eyes are covered by a membrane that connects to the inner surface of the eyelids, thus "closing off" the areas behind the eyeball. So neither the lens nor any other object can slide back there.

6. Can the contact lens fall out of the eye? Can it disappear in there?

If the parameters of the contact lens are determined individually by a professional, then it cannot fall out of the eyes. During the initial examination, the curvature of the cornea is determined, and the optometrist specialist will prescribe a contact lens with a perfectly matching curvature to it. So the chance of the contact lens falling out of the eye without external interference is minimal. The contact lens cannot disappear in the eye or slide behind the eyeball because the anatomy doesn't allow it. However, it can shift due to tearing or rubbing, so it's worth paying attention to during wear.

+1. Contact lenses as a luxury item

Nowadays, contact lenses are easily accessible, it's time to shed the prejudice that only the privileged can enjoy its numerous benefits. With the right information, you can easily order them from our online store. But always remember one thing: if you want to switch from your usual contact lenses to a different type, always consult your optician or eye specialist first!